COVID-19 (AKA Coronavirus)

Sam Lee - Hung Quach - Rigoberto Garcia

CSC 196V Data Visualization

Final Project

Professor Anna Baynes

1 - Brief Introduction

COVID-19 has been increasing dramatically in the U.S since the first case was identified. The virus has spread to every single state and has caused numerous deaths, and has changed the lives of many Americans. In order to fight the disease we have to find solutions so we can decrease the spread of the virus. In order to effectively attack the virus we have to use and take advanatage of the data we have. We need to use our knowledge and skills so we can fight the virus and spread awareness to many people.

2 - Questions Being Asked

  • What is the proportion of the death rate with people who are positive within each state?
  • What is the positive case of each state?
  • What is the death increase rate of each state?
  • How is COVID-19 affecting every state in the U.S from January to April?
  • What is the solution?

Question 1: What is the proportion of the death rate with people who are positive within each state?

The states are the backbone of the US, and they are currently under quarantine as the number of cases rises. In order for us to understand the situation of the states its difficult for us to interpret data when its just numbers. So by using this graph we can clearly see the proportion of the death rate with people who are positive within each state. This helps us understand the data by being able to see the rate of change quickly since we can change the state within seconds.

Question 2: What is the positive case for each state?

In order for us to really dig deep with the number of cases we have to create a visual model that can help us easily navigate through the states. This is why maps are very useful for us, and as more and more cases appear in the states, we want to be able to have such visuals. In the visual below we can filter the states by inserting the name in the search bar or we can simply click on the state that we want to view. After clicking we can see the number of people that are positive within that state. We can also see which states have more cases by the color of the state. This really does show what states are impacted more just by glancing at the map.

Question 3: How is the death increase rate of each state?

In order to understand and see trends of multiple items within a graph we have to be able to figure out what all the items have in common. Right now all the states are suffering from the coronavirus, so by putting all the states in a graph we can see a trend within it. In the graph below we can easily see the line graph of all the states and can easily point out which states have been impacted the most and how their death rate has increased within a few days.

Question 4: How is COVID-19 affecting every state in the U.S from January to April?

Many times we want to see our data in action. We want to portray the data as it were alive while it tells a story within itself. To do this we have to move the data around without any human interaction. The graph below is a bar race chart that shows which number of states have been infected the most in a race like manner. The chart makes it look like the states are in a competition with each other, and this brings the data to life. From the beginning we see the bars moving, and the user can patiently look forward to which states come out on top. Not by means of glory but to see the impacted result of the state.

(If bar char is not running, please reset the page)


Wash your hands often!!!
Avoid close contact!!!
Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others!!!
Cover coughs and sneezes!!!
Clean and disinfect!!!

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